João Lucas Baccaro
@Joao Lucas Baccaro
Joao Lucas Baccaro was born in Recife, in the northeast of Brazil. His childhood was immersed in all kinds of art. His grandfather, Giuseppe Baccaro, was an important part of the Brazilian avant-garde art scene since the 1960s and his father Thomas Baccaro is a photographer and well-known art dealer and gallery owner in Sao Paulo. This stimulated him to develop a photographer’s eye and view for cinema. His talent for film production emerged with the personal knowledge of personalities such as Hector Babenco, filmmaker and Mario Cravo Neto, art photographer, who were his father’s stepfathers.
In 2010 he moved to Italy, where he suffered a serious accident that forced him to recover for a long time. During this period, he courageously continued his self-taught artistic training.
In 2013 he joined the Academy of Fine Arts in Bergamo, where he further honed his knowledge and skills. Since 2016 he is co-founder of the company ICC Cultural and Creative, collaborates with companies, organizations and institutions. Thanks to this experience he acquired management, marketing and communication skills.
SHOWREEL: https://youtu.be/62zElZzYHM0